
For Practitioners

We offer classes for PDA and CEU for Acupuncture Practitioners wanting to incorporate new methods into their practice.

Classes: PDA & CEU

We offer a variety of fundamentals classes for beginners and experienced practitioners alike exploring Kiiko Matsumoto-style acupuncture treatment. Our classes explore Kiiko’s unique palpatory diagnosis of the abdomen, neck, spine, and symptoms. We will discuss the relationship of the bodies’ internal balance with external structural imbalances. By practicing these techniques the practitioner will be able to use them effectively and immediately in their own practice. Classes include lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on practice.


Kiiko Matsumoto-style Accupuncture


Palpatory Diagnosis


Hands-on Practice


Lectures & Demonstrations

Kikostyle Acupuncture

Kiiko-style acupuncture is a synthesis of Chinese Classical acupuncture- from her study and extensive clinical practice of the Ling Shu and Su Wen , modern western medicine and the experience of her teachers Dr. Nagano, Dr. Kawaii, and Dr. Manaka, some of Japan’s greatest practitioners. The result is a system that allows you to treat complex patients at many different levels: Structural, emotional, and underlying constitutional conditions. This method uses a unique system of palpitory diagnostic and point location to ensure effective results to your acupuncture treatment. Classes are very practical in nature with plenty of hands on demonstration to ensure that you can immediately use these techniques in your practice.

By using Kiiko Matsumoto’s techniques a treatment strategy unique to each patient may be created and a deep and lasting result to your treatment may be achieved. Regardless of symptoms, identifying and understanding a pattern based on objective findings leads to an effective treatment strategy. Kiiko’s classes are inspiring and energizing. Her enthusiasm and skillful treatment style encourage us in our own practice.

Classes by Tsuyoshi Shimamura

Tsuyoshi Shimamura obtained licensure as an Acupuncturist and Moxibustionist in Japan in 1995 after completing studies at Meiji Acupuncture and Moxibustion College. Shimamura was fortunate to undertake a live-in apprenticeship with Master Nagano during the final years of Master Nagano’s life, living and working with Master Nagano between 1997 and 2000 as his closest apprentice.Shimamura not only inherited a vast amount of Nagano’s teachings, techniques, and theories but also gained an important insight into his character. Tsuyoshi Shimamura is a member of the Japan Acupuncturist Association, and has also published articles and DVDs for Ido-No-Nippon. Since 2006, Shimamura has been teaching seminars on the Acupuncture and diagnostic methods he learned during his time with Master Nagano.